Leadership & People Management

Leadership & People Management


By the end of the event, the delegates will:

  1. Develop a Leadership strategy for achieving the goals of the organisation and agree how to cascade these throughout the team.
  2. Develop a leadership format to establish effective communications within the team which can flow through the business where necessary.
  3. Create a leadership style which consolidates the organisation's values and commitments and works to achieve the business strategy and ensure these are constantly used and recognised by the staff.
  4. Generate a greater team awareness, identity and belonging in all teams with the effective use of leadership skills.
  5. Create a positive and supportive working style including sharing of views, advice and involvement across functions.
  6. Develop a disciplined approach to setting and maintaining priorities for individuals and the site.
  7. Manage the inter-personal issues of the individuals at work.
  8. Develop a style that addresses any key issues with individuals at work.
  9. Recognise the different styles of the three main behaviour types and use appropriate tools to manage each type.


A practical workshop event will be held with the group. This will have two main integrated elements. The first element will be designed to build the leadership skills and confidence. This will be very participative and will use various leadership exercises. The exercises will be of a nature to show how a leader can work with a team to achieve set goals. The group will be able to succeed. However, on review they will see how to make improvements.

The second element will involve the people related areas. This will involve looking at how to improve their leadership skills with relation to the situations they will face at work with individuals and different behaviour types. There will be some element of individual and group work required. All results will be shared with the total team in order to gain acceptance and share views.

Those involved must be constructive and also suggest positive improvements. This phase must focus on what has to be done in practical steps.

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